Sunday, March 31, 2019

Packaging Material Analysis for Food Preservation

Packaging Material outline for Food PreservationTroullinos YannisPackaging ReportIn this practical class, contrary films for food incase were examined as far as their visible properties and their skill to preserve grapes, cheese, meat and potatoes. Appropriate measurements and tests we done on specific duration intervals.ResultsTable 1. Results for the rapid tests for the identification of packaging materials* Materials were identified using the packaging materials identification chart for films in the practical booklet.Table 2. Results of the mechanical and physical properties of the packaging materialDiscussionCalculations and Questions1. Calculate the tensile chroma of the cardinal packaging materials tested.Table 3. Physical properties of distinguishable packaging materials* More than 25% difference from the meanBy using N = 100 g, stick mean ranges for all(prenominal) of the materials butt joint be effect. Also, state = comprehensiveness (m) x Gauge (m) = X m2. pliable loudness = Force (N) / Area (m2) so for the to a blueer place materials we haveCellulose 340 DMS Tensile specialisation = 25.6 / 2.125 x 10-6 = 12.0 x 106 N/m2 = 12.0 x 106 Pa = 12.0 MPa, as 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa, epoch 1 MPa = 1,000,000 Papolypropene Tensile strength = 108.7 / 2.5 x 10-6 = 43.5 MPaPolyethylene Tensile strength = 12.5 / 0.75 x 10-6 = 16.7 MPa2.Define tensile strength and controvert what factors will affect the tensile strength of the packaging materialTensile strength is the maximum load that a material can hold up without fracture when being stretched, divided by the original cross-sectional state of the material. Generally, as tensile strength increases, the tougher the material is considered (Hui, 2008). Factors affecting the tensile strength be (Yam, 2010 Fel low-downs, 2009)Plasticiser levels ( change magnitude apprises shew less tensile strength and to a greater extent than elasticityDegree of crystallinity (crystal structure)Density of the materia l (increasing density gives more than tensile strength)Manufacturing process (orientation, treatment, coatings)TemperaturePhysical properties of the material (branching, side groups, chain length, molecular angle)Duration of the time that the fight is applied3.Compare your tensile strength results to those found in literature.According to Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd. tensile strength for regenerated cellulose is 50 MPa, which, as mentioned, is abnormal by a lot of distinct factors. In our experiment, tensile strength of the cellulose used is a lot pass up (12MPa).Paine (1990) gives values of 30 MPa for polypropylene, season in this experiment a value of 43.5 MPa was calculated.Finally, polythene gave an experimental value of 16.7 MPa, while Goodfellow Cambridge Ltd. reports 5-25 MPa for low density polyethylene (LDPE) and 15-40 MPa for gamy density polyethylene (HDPE). In this experiment it is unknown which exactly was the type of PE used, as on that point are many diverse types in market.As explained, duration of the force applied affects the tensile strength, so different testing machines give different results. There are numerous more factors as noted in question 2, which greatly affect the measurements and results. Thus, comparing values to literature cannot give objective judgement of the experiment.4.Calculate the moisture vapour transmission rate (g m-2 sidereal day-1) for each of the films testedTable 4. Results of the pee vapour permeableness test lap covering area = r2 = 0.005 m2 (r = 40mm = 0.04m)Number of Days = 4, as Day 1 is the day we started the memory boardCellulose 340 DMS fore intimately measurements get along moisture gained = Weight of Day 5 Weight of Day 1 = 84.8 83.9 = 0.9 gMoisture gained per day = tally moisture gained (g) / Nr Days = 0.9/4 = 0.225 g day-1 wet vapour permeability per 24h = Moisture gained per day / Circle Area = 0.225 / 0.005 = 45 g/m2 24h (1)second measurementsTotal moisture gained = 87.6 87.1 = 0.5 gMoisture gained per day = 0.5 / 4 = 0.125 g day-1Water vapour permeability per 24h = 0.125 / 0.005 = 25 g/m2 24h (2) look upon value of urine vapour permeability per 24h = (1) + (2) / 2 = 35 g/m2 24hPolypropylene1st measurementsTotal moisture gained = 86.0 85.9 = 0.1 gMoisture gained per day = 0.1/4 = 0.025 g day-1Water vapour permeability per 24h = 0.025 / 0.005 = 5 g/m2 24hsecond measurementsTotal moisture gained = 87.1 87.1 = 0.0 gMoisture gained per day = 0.0 / 4 = 0 g day-1Water vapour permeability per 24h = 0 g/m2 24hMean value of water vapour permeability per 24h = 2.5 g/m2 24hPolyethylene1st measurementsTotal moisture gained = 84.6 84.5 = 0.1 gMoisture gained per day = 0.1/4 = 0.025 g day-1Water vapour permeability per 24h = 0.025 / 0.005 = 5 g/m2 24h2nd measurementsTotal moisture gained = 84.6 84.5 = 0.1 gMoisture gained per day = 0.1/4 = 0.025 g day-1Water vapour permeability per 24h = 0.025 / 0.005 = 5 g/m2 24hMean value of water vapour permeability per 24h = 5 g/m2 24h5.Discuss the results of the water vapour permeability test.Water vapour permeability is a measure for breathability or for a textiles ability to transfer moisture. The results show that PP and PE have relatively low water permeability, while cellulose has a lot more. These values agree with literature (Brennan and Grandison, 2012), which states that PP has lower permeability than PE. Cellulose is alike stated as a low bulwark of water vapour permeability. These results show that using cellulose to pack food in the raw to humidity such as powders is not considered wise.6.Discuss the results of the packaging and memory board of warm fruit experiment. justify what is causing the observed changes in the fruit and how the different packaging/storage conditions influence the shelf liveliness of the fruit.Table 5. sportsmanlike fruit (grapes) 3 days interval observationsFirstly, the tissues of fruits are alive aft(prenominal) harvest and they only die through natural senesce nce, rotting or when they are consumed, cooked or similarly processed. All these tissues breath, a phenomenon called ventilation with obvious relations to maintenance of the quality and prolonging the shelf life of the product. Specifically, grapes do not respire very intensively and this is the reason they get harvested when they are ripe. Reducing respiration can strive the shelf life alone stalling it will make tissues senesce and die. Cooling temperatures can also lower undesirable effects on fruits (Jongen, 2002).As far as grapes concerned, mould is primarly because of the fungus Botrytis cinerea.Browning sight is a chemical process caused by specific enzymes changing the tissues colour to brown, while shrinkage is caused by increased respiration (tissues nonethelesstually lose water as shown in the weight measurements causing them to lose volume). Sweating is caused once again because of the respiration in packages where gas permeability is low or very low.In the above ex periments, it is shown that when using MS and heat seal, grapes got sweaty in day 2 and 3, while in the same packaging with 2 holes, sweating was only splendid. This makes maven as the 2 holes vacateed the product line transfer between package and the environment, morose the humidity because of the respiration in the package.In PE and heat seal, sweating was still more obvious as PE has lower gas permeability than MS.Finally, in the open tray, sweating was absent but mould started to show at day 3, as it partially did in the package with 2 holes. This was caused by a microorganism, probably fungus since grapes have low pH. An other change which was spotted in the open tray was the soft, dry and oxidised appearance of the grapes because of the large amounts of respiration. get on temperatures and total contact with the environment allowed this level of respiration, lowering shelf life dramatically.7.What changes would you make to the packaging/storage conditions to extend the shelf life of the grapes?The most important change to the storage conditions would be to lower the storage temperature, as it would significantly reduce respiration. The package should not have holes, as they allow environmental air to get in allowing microorganisms to grow faster.8.Discuss the results of the packaging and storage of cheese experiment. Explain what is causing the observed changes in the cheese and how the different packaging/storage conditions influence the shelf life of the cheese.Table 6. tall mallow 3 days interval observationsBrowning of cheese is significant in high storage temperatures (37C), less in fair (20C) and absent in low temperatures of 5C. Light causes the formation of lipid peroxides in medium temperatures, while compounds such as riboflavin are affected by light unrelated to storage temperature (Kristensen et al., 2001).Cheese tend to produce throw in the towel oil when they melt and sweats during storage in relatively high temperatures because of the high humidity of it. When in open air sweating is more and drying out occurs (Wang and Sun, 2004).From the above, it becomes more obvious in ours experiments why cheese dried out during storage in open tray and why this drying out is more than in aluminium foil (which was not folded enough to keep air from contacting cheese). Another way to see the above is the greater loss of weight in open tray rather in aluminium foil. On the other hand, in both MS and cryovac packages no drying out was noted, as can be seen from the differences in initial and final weight (0.1g).Relatively high storage temperatures (about 25C) caused the oiling and sweating of the cheese.9.What changes would you make to the packaging/storage conditions to extend the shelf life of the cheese?The storage temperature should be as low as about 5C (refrigerator) in dark and should be kept either in MS or cryovac packaging. Ideally, a modify atmosphere packaging should be used (Khoshgozaran et al., 2012), exte nding shelf life even more than the usual packages.10.Discuss the results of the packaging and storage of fresh meat experiment. Explain what is causing the observed changes in the meat and how the different packaging/storage conditions influence the shelf life of the meat.Table 7. Fresh meat 4 days intervals observationsFilmDayWeight (g)ChangesIn colour cloudoverMoisteningInternal and external appearance of package warehousingtemp.Type ofspoilageGeneral appearanceof productStoragehumidityOther change and/or notesPPAndHeat seal121.04C75%221.0slight honey oil slight4Ccolour changes75%321.0slight green slight4Ccolour changes75%421.0slight green and browning

Impact of Information Technology on the Military

Impact of instruction applied science on the MilitaryLT MUHAMMAD AMIRUL ZIKRI BIN TUMPANGIMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE ROYAL ARMOUR CORPSIT, stands for Information engineering, and is pronounced I.T. It refers to any(prenominal)thing related to reckon engine room, such as networking, hardw be, softw be, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies right off urinate IT departments for managing the estimators, networks, and opposite technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include estimator scheduling, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and some some other related occupations. Since we live in the development age, instruction engineering science has become a part of our favourite lives. That means the term IT, already bluely overused, is here to stay.What is teaching? This is graceful info with a meaning or an organized, meaningful and useful reading of data. And what is engineering? engineering is humans utilize objects (tools, machines, constitutions, and materials) to change the natural and human-make environment.Technology has always been an measurable part of war. Today, with information technology situated as the defining technology of our age it should be no surprise that IT (information technology) is a central part of war making. In fact, the US military has form both toldy determined that information is the chief(prenominal) force multiplier in battle, more than(prenominal) important than numerical superiority or force of fire, the old standards. This is because, in the US militarys view, we now come the information technologies that squeeze out non just make a crucial residuum in battle, in terms of precision weapons, intelligence, and ascendence and control, simply that these technologies might actually allow the fog (uncertainly) of war to be dispelled so that total, almost painless victories, might be won against many op ponents.The aim of this paper is to explain the impact of information technology to the proud armour Corps and does it giving any advantages to the corps.Before we go any further on this topic, we need to know the history of this information technology. Information technology has been nigh from a long, long age ago. Basically as long as people pay been around, information technology has been around because there were always a lot of ways to communicate th rumbustious with(predicate) technology available at that point in beat. There are four main ages that divided up the history of information technology. lonesome(prenominal) the latest age (electronic) and some of electromechanical age really affects us today, unless it is important for us to learn or so how we got to the point we are at with today technologies.There are four stages revolution on the information technologya. Premechanicalb. Mechanicalc. Electromechanicald. ElectronicThe premechanical age is the early age of information technology development. It laughingstock be defined as conviction in between 3000 B.C. and 1450 A.D. We are talking about a long, long time ago. Humans basic started communicating between individually other using language or simple picture drawings know as petroglyphs which were usually carved on the rock. Early alphabets were demonstrable such as the Phoenician alphabet.As alphabets became more popular and more people were writing information d accept, pens and paper began to be developed by humans. In the early, it started off as just marks in wet clay, but later on paper was created out of the papyrus plant. The most popular kind of paper produced is probably do by the Chinese who made it out of rags.Now that people were writing a lot of information down, they needed ways to keep it in a permanent storage. This is when the starting signal books and libraries are developed between those times. You have probably heard about the Egyptian scrolls which were popu lar ways to write down information to save. many groups of people actually binding all the paper together into a book-like form.The scratch line numbering system used is during this period of times. Around degree centigrade A.D. was when the first 1 to 9 system was created by people from the India. However, it was non until 875 A.D. (775 years later) that the number 0 was invented. And now that numbers were created, people cute stuff to do with them so they created the calculators. A calculator was the very first sign of an information processor known. The popular model of calculator during that time was the abacus.The mechanical age is when we first start to relate the connections between our watercourse technology and its ancestors. The mechanical age female genitals be defined as the time between 1450 A.D. and 1840 A.D. A lot of new technologies are developed as there is a large explosion in lodge in with this area. Technologies like the slide rule (an analog computer use d for multiplying and dividing numbers) were created. Blaise pop has invented the Pascaline which was a very popular mechanical computer during that time. Charles Babbage has developed the difference engine which can tabulate polynomial equations using the method of finite differences.There were lots of different machines created during that period of times and while we have not yet gotten to a machine that can do more than one type of calculation in one, like our modern-day calculators, we are still learning on about how all of our all-in-one machines started from the beginning. Also, if you look at the size of the machines invented during that era compared to the power behind them it seems (to us) that it is absolutely ridiculous to apprehend why anybody would want to use them, but to all the people backing in that time, ALL of these inventions were HUGE.Now we are finally getting scrawny to some technologies that resemble our modern-day technology nowadays. The electromechani cal age can be defined as the time between 1840 A.D. and 1940 A.D. These are the beginnings of the telecommunication. The telecommunicate system was created in the early 1800s. international Morse code code was created by Samuel Morse in the 1835. The telephone (one of the most popular forms of communication ever made) was created by Alexander Graham Bell in the 1876. The first ever radiocommunication were developed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. All of these were extremely crucial acclivitous technologies that have led us to a big advance in the information technology field.The first large-scale automatic digital computer ever in the United States was the star sign 1 computer created by Harvard University around 1940. This computer was 8ft high, 50ft long, 2ft wide, and weighed 5 tons it is totally HUGE and heavy. It was programmed by using jabbing cards. How does your PC today match up to this stumblebum of metal? It was from these huge machines that people began to look at do wnsizing all of the parts available to first make them usable by businesses and lastly in your own home.The electronic age is what we currently live in nowadays. It can be defined as the time between the 1940 until now. The ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer that capable to be reprogrammed to solve a near range of computing problems. This computer was designed to be used by the U.S. Army for the artillery firing tables. This machine was even bigger than the Mark 1 fetching around 680 square feet and weighing 30 tons. It mainly used the vacuum tubes to do its calculations.There are 4 main sections on digital computing. The first was the era of using vacuum tubes and punch cards like the ENIAC and Mark 1. Rotating charismatic drums were used for the internal storage. The secondment contemporaries replaced the vacuum tubes with transistors, punch cards were replaced with the magnetic tape, and rotating magnetic drums were replaced by magnetic meanss for internal sto rage of the computers. Also during this time, a high-level programming language was created such as FORTRAN and COBOL. The third generation replaced the transistors with integrated circuits, magnetic tape was still used throughout all computers, and the magnetic core turned into metal oxide semiconductors. An actual operating system was showed up during this time along with the BASIC advanced programming language. The fourth and latest generation has brought in the CPUs (central processing units) which contained memory, logic, and the control circuits all on a atomic number 53 chip. The personal computer was developed then (Apple II). The graphical user port (GUI) was also developed. There is a lot more happened to all of these generations and ages but all we need to know is a just a rough overview on this. There are several characteristic of good information and technology. The following are all the characteristics.Good informationIt has to be exactMust be relevant to basic purpo sesComplete in view to the mention elements of the problemIt has to be Timely (should be communicated in time to be used )It has to be consistent and reliableIt has to be streetwiseEasy to understandIt has to be tailored to the inescapably of managers and end users.TechnologyTechnology is human knowledgeTechnology uses tools, materials and systems.Its application impart conduct into artifacts (human-made things )Technology is developed by people to modify their environment.Information technology is important in the military operation including the Royal Armour Corps. These technologies whatchamacallum are connecting the commander and their subordinates. The connection is very important since both of them needs to communicate between each other to locate the position of the enemy, their own location, a place to make a hide and other information that they need to know and acknowledge.For the improvements that Malaysian Army had done for the Royal Armour Corps is the new install ments of the SOTAS. It stands for Signal On Board Two outfit Audio System. This radio advantages is that it have a crystal clear communications, the size, fish and power that can be produced by this radio, the interoperability of the radio and many other feature that can gives us a boost for using it. SOTAS consists of a family of modular components that can be assembled and called to create perfectly fitting configurations for all vehicle types and missions. A light vehicles intercom only requires a iodin SOTAS unit. Larger and more complex systems are created by adding User Stations, earnings Nodes, software packages and hardware option modules.Other than the SOTAS unit, Malaysian Army have made an upgrades for the PT-91M (Pendekar) tank by equipping it with a Battlefield Managements System. The key features of this new system is that it provides automatized reporting and graphical orders dissemination, integrated to rock-steady data communications, IP interfaces for other co mmunications media, peripheral interface for sensor displays. The capabilities for Reconnaissance, control and Target Acquisition are also the main key features that made Malaysia to buy the systems. The main characteristics of this systems is the integrated vehicular station for sharing situational awareness, can adapt and customize functionalities to roles and missions, scalable from battalion to dismounted spend and mission supply package with relevant cartography tools. The growth improvements of these information technologies have add us to a new stage of warfare which is the information warfare. roughly modern political and military C2 systems are based on high speed communications and computers. It follows that this information infrastructure, also known as an infosphere, will be the arena in which information warfare is waged. Any system or person who participates in the C2 process will be a potential target in an IW candidacy. All of the countries have change their in formation technology systems just to compete with other armed forces to secure their communications and prevents others from sabotaging it. Information warfare, simply put, is an orchestrated effort to achieve mastery by subverting or neutralizing an enemy command and control (C2) system, while defend use of C2 systems to coordinate the actions of friendly forces. A successful IW campaign seizes initiative from an enemy commander the IW campaign allows allied forces to hunt down at a much higher tempo than an enemy can react to.The threat that already being posed by other countries is significantly high, since they have a far more advanced technology such as the ability to jam the communication by using aircraft as for the EA-6B Prowler. The aircraft is the primary tactical jamming aircraft of the US Navy, US stemma Force and the US Marine Corps. So we need a cake action from this kind of jamming method so that our information is not cut out and can be secured. Information is v ery important for the military since it can immobilize the entire forces down. Without the importance of information technology awareness, we will always take it for granted and not looking this as a major threat. While other countries have taken a big steps in improving their information and communications security. They have seen this problem as a major threat that can expose their operations if they make it vulnerable to others and to let others take advantages of it.Information state of war has significant implications for modern military theory. Under Information Warfare, the enemy soldier no longer constitutes a major target. It will focus on preventing the enemy soldier from talking to his commander. Without coordinated action, an enemy force becomes an cumbrous mob, and a battle devolves to a crowd-control issue. In the not too yon future, computer weapon systems will conduct software strikes against the enemy infosphere to dismantle command and control. Targets will be chosen for military, political or economical significance. IW opens new doors throughout the spectrum of conflict to achieve tactical, operational and strategic objectives. Malaysian Army needs to make their information security is at a high level just to prevent the enemy from taking an advantages from our communications problems.Referenceshttp// snitcher/http//

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Importance Of Performance Assessment Education Essay

The Importance Of carrying step ahead Assessment Education EssayIntroductionAssessment had underg unrivaled a discombobulate shift from that as a measure of students effect in pencil and paper test to assessing a broader argona that does not only accept students acquaintance and understanding but likewise essential skills. These skills for instance, talk, job solving, investigating and even thought process skills be few of the intended abilities that are inf bothible for teachers to instil in their teaching. These are too one of the aims of the Ministry of Education in the new education system, SPN 21.In Brunei itself, the secondary schools have begun to implement such(prenominal) task in their curriculum. Brunei Common Assessment Task or break up know as BCAT has started in the year 2011. Students are assessed base on their doing on the task by using rubric which comprised of terce assessed propertys. The send-off dimension is knowledge and understanding while the second dimension includes meaning skill, problem solving and investigation skill and the last one is communication skill.The Importance of Performance AssessmentPerformance assessment, also known as alternative or authentic assessment, is a form of testing that requires students to perform a task or else than select an answer from a ready-made list. It is designed to provide a more complete examine of student achievement in a particular area (Sweet, 1993). In other words, students are assessed through observing their performances and examining the products they have produced through stunned the lesson.The character of performance assessment is to evaluate the genuine process of doing an object of learning. Students are expect to be able to apply knowledge learnt in naval division to lick problems in the task. Apart from that, students may need to phthisis their thinking skill in order to complete the task. Teachers as evaluators will be able to judge the superior of t heir students abilities, witness their students progress and facilitate them to a higher level of excogitationual and procedural knowledge (Slater, n.d.) during which the task is conducted.Tasks that are meaningful may enhance students interest towards mathematics learning as they could make sense of what they learnt while performing (Ng, Koh, Kelly Yue, 2009). With progress understanding on the tasks, students will be able to apply mathematical concepts learnt in really smell context (Goldman Hasselbring, 1997 Lim, Tan Wei Lin, 2011). Not only that by better-looking performance assessment tasks students are well guided on their level of achievement as they get immediate feedback based from the rubric assessed by their teachers. Self and peer assessment are also encouraged in order to acknowledge their level of competencies in that particular subject.The importance of performance task does not focus on the students only. Teachers also benefit from implementing such tasks in their teaching. Different topics could be integrated into one performance task, therefore teachers need not to give up certain topics or best-loved activities in their classroom and time would be managed efficiently. This kind of integration along with traditional testing would give a comprehensive picture of students performance. The aforementioned(prenominal) was suggested by Hibbard, Wagenen, Lewbebel et al. (1996) whereby traditional testing should be simultaneously working with the performance task in order to produce a better mood to deliver the curriculum (Figure 1).http// 1. Students literacy.Students Difficulty in Learning and brain on ciphersThe topic being assessed was on elements in real life. Fraction is considered one of the most difficult topics encountered by students. Many studies had reported of its difficulties where students struggled in understanding the concept on fractions. Suffolk a nd Clements (2003) studied students in ready 1 and Form 2 from 27 secondary schools in Brunei had assemble out that many students were experiencing serious difficulties with elementary fractions tasks.Another study by Zurina (2003) involving Form 4 (N-Level) students discovered that students had very poor knowledge and understanding of fractions and decimals. The major(ip) contributing factors were that teacher spent large amount of time on preparing students for high-stake examination, therefore the traditional drill and practice method was mostly employed by teachers. She further commented that teaching and assessment methods were not generating towards the desired quality of the students.Description of the TaskThe task comprised of six questions with the first four cogitate to each other. The next two questions are the performance problems which are kinda equal to the first four (refer to supplement A). capitulum 1 until 4 assesses the students knowledge and understandin g of their concept on fractions. These include the interpretation of fraction and understanding the key word which is remaining and remainder. Meanwhile headland 5 and 6 are the application of operation in fraction to solve problems, through which the thinking skills, problem solving and investigation, and communication skills are assessed (refer to accessory B for rubrics). Each dimension were given a agree from 1 to 5 depending on the contrasting criteria as stated in addendum B. Lesson plan for carrying out the task was designed prior the class (refer to Appendix C).Class ObservationThe task was conducted on the 27th September 2012 in an all girls school in Brunei Darussalam. It was intended for Year 7 students and the topic being assessed was on Fraction in Real Life. There were 22 students involved in this study with an average mathematical ability. The duration of the study followed the mathematics period which was 50 minutes.The session started with a brief review artic le on the topic specifically on the four operations of fractions. later 5 minutes, the task sheets were distributed to the students including the rubrics. Students were given an explanation of what they should do for the task and what was expected according to the rubric. Students were asked to work together in a pair and the use of calculators was allowed. Teachers involved were making rounds while giving help when necessary to the students throughout the lesson.During the lesson, most of the students were working on their task with few of the students did not eliminate with their partners. It could be observed that few students were struggling in understanding the first question. These students managed to tint the boxes with their colour pencils. However, they did not label their shadings as they were instructed in the question.Furthermore, students were run aground having trouble to proceed to the next question. Since the second question was asking the students to shade thre e-eighths of the remainder, few students had shaded three boxes on their diagram. More problems arose as they moved on to the next question where students were found to shade ten boxes rather than four, which was the actual answer. As for the fourth question, since they got it wrong from the second and the third question, their final closure was also in assort.Questions 5 and 6 were the application problems. Students need to understand the problems and think before they could proceed. The first part of the question was an easy and straight forward question which a lot of the students managed to answer. Whereas the second part of Question 5 was difficult for students to solve even though it was a similar problem to those in Questions 1 to 4. Question 6 was the least answered by the students during the lesson.Results and Discussions duck 1Mean Scores for Each DimensionsKnowledge and Understanding cerebration Skills, Problem Solving and InvestigationsCommunication Skills3.591.771.68Fr om the analysis of the rubrics, it was found that the mean score for each dimension were as shown in Table 1 above. base from the results, most students were able to show correct fraction diagrams in Question 1, 2 and 3. This showed that the students had basic knowledge on fractions but little on understanding the problem. Meanwhile, students only managed to apply a strategy and obtain sketchy solutions to both application problems which indicated that they were ineffective to reach the standard intended for their level. This further affected their communication skills by which they were unable to illustrate and reason their solutions.From the observations, teachers found out that there was a slight improvement throughout the lesson for knowledge and understanding dimension only. This was because the students spent more time trying out Questions 2 and 3 compared to the rest of the questions, a reason why Question 6 was the least answered. This was also the reason why the teachers involved were unable to rate the students on the other two dimensions during the lesson conducted..Analysing at each question, all the students had no problem with blasting Question 1. However, students were having difficulty in finding the unspoiled amount of squares to be shaded in Question 2 and 3. This was mainly out-of-pocket to the misunderstanding of the word remaining in the question. Students were using the original number of squares to find the number of squares to be shaded in Questions 2 and 3. This led to their inability to find the correct receipt for Question 4.With regards to Questions 5 and 6, students were also having similar problem of understanding the word remaining and remainder as post in the previous questions. This brought an impact towards the general performance of the students for these two application questions. Few tried the questions but were unsuccessful in getting the correct answers, others left it unattempted.Reflection and ConclusionFrom t he above discussion, it could be concluded that overall the lesson ran smoothly and only the first objective was achieved as indicated from the mean lashings of the rubric. Students were found to be quite engaged in the operation. Students thinking could be observed through their working and when they asked questions clarifying their difficulties.However less communication with their partner could be observed during the lesson. Low students interaction resulted in different scores achieved by few groups. Apart from that, students were seen more focused on finishing the first task rather than the application problems. Perhaps, this is because the first activity targeted on the basic understanding on fractions in real life and students assumed that the questions were easy since diagrams were provided. Feedback from the students was asked towards the end of the lesson where commonly they claimed that the tasks were overly difficult. This kind of response had shown that the students w ho participated in this task were not exposed to this kind of assessment approach.It was also found from the above analysis that there were few limitations on the task. Firstly, difficulty in rating students scores was encountered. This is because few of them had left their task nonreciprocal and the rubric designed had specified one mark for no attempt in the third dimension, the communication skill. This had shown that the rubric itself was lacking of fairness. This should be special in the future if one would implement the task in their class. Secondly, a proper classroom observation checklist which assesses other attributes apart from what the rubrics had specified should have been developed. At least, from this checklist, a wider perspective such as students interaction with their peers and also with the teachers involved could be further evaluated. Finally, as discussed before, the tasks only concentrate on a key word remaining which is a confusing concept to the students. T his can be modified by adding different concept rather than focusing on just one.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Macys Department Store Repositioning Marketing Essay

Macys Department instal Repositioning Marketing EssayIn 2005, Federated Department Stores (Federated) distinct to pursue the reposition and integrating scheme of its 15 regional repositings irons under just wiz national discolorationMacys. Federateds decision was in retort to the decline in sales and simoleons of the traditional surgical incision put in assiduity. Just three years later, U.S. was hit with the worst economic crisis since the spacious Depression that threatened the existence of m whatsoever successful retail giants, including Macys. In addition, in 2008, the loss in profits during Christmas of that year was just the wiretap of the iceberg for department strains that traditionally were used seeing the highest yearly profits during the holiday season. Other factors such as rise of gas determines that change magnitude deli actually costs to the stores along with rise of cotton prices due to issues with the make that increased the prices of clothes made out of cotton further exacerbated the already fragile retail industry. In addition, Macys was positioned in the speeding middle ingredient of the grocery and had no choice but to increase the prices of certain goods to its clients, olibanum leading to reduction in sales volume and profits.Moreover, Macys was faced with some other challenge. The department store industry was divided into 5 market piece based on price of items. The segmented consisted of high-end luxury, high-end general, upper-middle, lower-middle, and the low-end areas. Additionally, since Macys was already in the upper middle segment of the market, the company could not immediately launch into the other four segments without spending time evolution a work fitted dodging that will not negatively affect its revenue generation, nock image, market share and not to mention the comprehend availability of the jobs of many of its employees in different locations, and the retention of the loyalty of customers and suppliers. Furthermore, the traditional department store industry was in a declining stage and consumers were scare, which made tilt for the existing companies to be aggressive for sliver of the limited profits that were still available. Yet competition within existing companies was not the precisely threat, discount stores like Walmart and Marshalls were author to build momentum in the market, gaining more sales. Of course, with the popularity of the Internet, online knock offping was also boost in popularity, once again adding more retailers to the already heavily militant environment. Thus, these factors propelled Macys to begin in repositioning and consolidating efforts to restore its vitality.Consolidation and repositioning tactic, from ind easying perspective, provided Macys an avenue in creating a national betray and reducing the social unit cost of Macys advertising and promotional budgets considerably due to having one substitution hub for all administrative func tions and bulk buy. The success of the desegregation strategy is attributed to several(prenominal) factors. For instance, Macys brand already had nationwide recognition as Americas department store through aggressive national advertising activities, Fourth of July Celebrations and Thanksgiving solar day Parade. Additionally, when Federated had consolidated its regionally established department stores, these stores had a well-established customer base, were regionally well k right awayn, and were in prime locations close to business districts or large shopping centers, which meant that Macys did not hold to put any efforts into developing business for those stores but rather maintain and increase business with them.Moreover, some(prenominal) Federated and Macys had solid leadership teams with strong retail and department store experiences. In fact, Federated management team was already well witting of the issues involving brand conversion since Federated had converted some of i ts regional stores to Macys brand prior to the official 2005 consolidation. The management team also had a well established relationship with major supply chain and distribution networks that were now selected to serve the Macys stores. Thus, once again Macys did not have to put any efforts into establishing new relationships but would simply have to maintaining the existing ones. Thus, the offshoot of the consolidation tactic enabled Macys to provide moderately priced goods to its consumers thereby maintaining high levels of competitiveness by remaining at the middle of a bell shaped wind and identifying it positioning as affordable luxury.Yet, offering affordable prices was not the only repositioning tactic used by Macys, the company also changed its brand from specific demographics to fashion conscious consumers as well as the jr. female audience. Macys created a bridal registry and offered fashions made by younger designers to further differentiate its brand from the tradition al department stores that had failed in their foregone attempt to attract consumers between ages of 18-25. In addition, Macys launched nonchalant Value strategy program that promoted value pricing such that customers would be able to purchase harvest-feasts without having to wait for sales day and the availability of coupons to get the most cathexis for their buck. These tactics would enable Macys to broaden its consumer base, minimize the entrance of new competitors as well as the emergence of substitutes into its market segment.Despite the benefits of consolidation and repositioning efforts, there are some negative factors to consider. Change is often very difficult as most individuals are creatures of habit. Thus, consolidation of department stores to one brand (in this case Macys) meant that existing consumers who had regularly shopped at their favorite department stores (such as the conversion of Marshall Fields to Macys in Chicago) would now have to adjust to new outputs , prices and services. In fact, the perception of some loyal consumers conduct consolidation was negative, complaining that Macys store had lower quality products and services. Therefore, consumers were reluctant to shop at Macys. Unfortunately, Macys decision to standardize its products and pricing nationwide to lower purchasing cost actually backfired. In fact, standardization resulted in higher prices of products offered at Macys compared to the former regional department stores chains, thus consumers were apprehensive to shop at the new Macys.However, post consolidation challenges that Macys had encountered did not deter the company from act its long repositioning and branding objectives. Macys continued to aggressively promote its brand nationwide through celebrity advertisement. The company forged ahead as an exponential revenue generating entity by focusing on fashion, adding Martha Stewart, Tommy Hilfiger and Beyonce product lines charm still embracing the concept of affo rdable luxury and participating in Fourth of July Fireworks as well as the annual Macys Thanksgiving day Parade. At the same time, Macys did not ignore the unfavorable results of its post consolidation and repositioning hiccups that threatened its brand and image. Instead, Macys made some necessary adjustments in order to accommodate its consumers. For instance, in response to negative consumer reception of the product and price standardization decision, Macys abandoned the strategy and instead tailored the product selection based on consumers needs. In this way, customers would have a nice shopping experience and begin to trust in Macys brand, which would increase the frequencies in which they visit Macys stores and make purchases. Additionally, as a result of the financial crisis in 2008, many department and retail stores offered promotional discounts such as percent off to sell overstocked inventory and attract consumers, Macys followed suit and discontinued its Everyday Value program to sustain itself during recession.Indeed, individually all of the above tactics are cash cows themselves therefore in combining them Macys was able to create a unique and valuable marketing position on the national landscape that would be difficult for its competitors to replicate. For Macys, the consumer became the basis for its strategies in harm of the market segments generated, the objectives of the national promotions and advertisings created, the remodeling of the stores for a better shopping experience, the focus on fashion rather than demographics, understanding differences in consumers needs and tastes and setting the price point at a moderate level. It was because of these tactics and strategies that the company began to increase its relevance and uniqueness among its targeted audience. Thus, Macys definitely found a way to be less conservative than the traditional department store as a results of its well developed and thought out and timely executed strategies, which should continue reaping the success for several years to come.

Boracay Famous White Beach Tourism Essay

Boracay Famous exsanguine brink Tourism EssayAccording to Tourism Philippines, Boracay is famous for its dogged white flaxen margees, and is also a popular outlet for wet sports activities such as scuba diving, snorkeling, sailing etc. Other than the spiney beaches, Boracay is well know for the nightlife and berthy scene. There be numerous bar and clubs on the whole stretch of beach, mostly located at place 2 of Boracay. Spas argon also readily at most places you poop even find freelance masseurs patrolling the beaches (Tourism Philippines, 2008, Retrieved From http// touring to, The best part of the island is its 4 km. purity Beach, also c solelyed long beach by the locals. It is situated at the west coast between the villages of Angol and Balabag, and some experienced travellers claim it to be the attractivest beach of all Asia. The wet is alter here and its sand brighter and better than most beaches in the archipelago. There argon about 350 beach resorts with 2000 live to suit virtually every anes taste. There is accommodation of all types and price categories. Restaurants say form the native fastfood stalls to establishments that would satisfy even a gourmet. You crowd out find beer joints as well as discos with amazing light and voice equipment. (, n.d, Retrieved From http// P. Burgos Jr. of the Philippine Daily Inquirer states that, discern travelers and touring cars prefer destinations off the beaten track. But many of them still block up in the world-famous beach of Boracay Island in Aklan. This is because of its white beach and fine white sand and crystal clear waters, according to Edwin Trompeta, regional film director for Western Visayas of the Department of Tourism. The beach and waters combined with the islands nightlife reserve Boracay irresistible, he says.Despite contr oversi es on land ownership and unregulated development, Boracay has drawn more than phaetons every division because of its famous white beach, consistently included in the lists of the best beaches in the world.Furthermore, the global economic slump has failed to dampen tourist arrivals with new strange markets and local tourists making up for the s insufficiency in visitors from countries hit hard by the world recession.As a involvement of fact, tourist arrivals on the island redeem been on the upswing for a decade. They are up from 554,181 tourists in 2006, 596,707 in 2007, 634,263 in 2008 and 649,559 termination year. For the first five months of this year, tourist arrivals have grown by 12 share, according to data from the tourism office of Malay town in Aklan.Boracays peak season commonly begins in October and lasts until May the following yearFrom January to May 2010, tourist arrivals reached 378,694, higher(prenominal) than the 337,664 tourists who visited the island in the same period last year and the 320,994 tourists who came in 2008.The highest recite was recorded in May with tourist arrivals reaching 101,349, higher than the 92,813 tourists in the same month in 2009 and 83,731 in 2008.More than 600,000 local and foreign tourists visited the white sand beaches and various parts of Boracay during the period, more than 40 percent higher than the 2009 figure of around 470,000.DOT 6 said they have recorded more than 230,000 foreign tourists in the island as of early October..This is advanced news amid the various travel advisories issued by several countries against visiting in the Philippines, the DOT 6 said.The United States, Australia and United forcedom had earlier issued advisories as precautions in traveling to the country in the wake of reported alarm threats.The tourism of Boracay is continuing to grow in fact, The News Today states that, Boracays re locale, in the main due to tourism, has reached P 12.17 billion as of the third quarter, higher compared to last years figures.Income from tourism in Boracay from January to May reached P6,961,683.28. (Burgos, 2010, Retrieved From http// Attractions and Activities in BoracayAccording to, Boracay is famous for the followingBeaches / White BeachBoracay boasts of a sugar-coated white sand beach and azure blue waters. The best part of the island is the four-kilometer White Beach known to be the finest beach in the world. The contact water is shallow and the sand is finer and brighter than most beaches in the archipelago. White Beach is so, soooo fine, it feels alike(p) treading on miles of baby powderAquasportsThe island paradise of Boracay is a perfect place for watersports. Here, you can partake in a form of exhilirating aqua action from swimming and snorkeling to scuba diving, perfumesurfing, sailboating, kayaking, boardsailing, and boating.N ature lilting / Eco-AdventureWorld-renowned Boracay is an adventure island ideal for island hopping, hiking, trekking, caving, mountain climbing, biking, and horseback riding. Trekking and mountain biking can use up even the intrepid to the islands quaint interior villages and to the edges scenic rocky cliffs, discovering along the way many hidden coves with isolated beaches far from thetourist crowd.Boardsailing at Bulabog BeachOn the eastern side of Boracay Island is Bulabog Beach. It is a boardsailors mecca that draws enthusiasts from all over the world, especially during the peak season from November to March. In January, it is the site of an external Funboard Cup.Paraw RegattaSailboating and kayaking are popular sporting activities, with Boracay playing host to the annual Paraw Regatta, an international sailboat race that makes use of the native outrigger.DivingDive sites surround the island and are learning venues to both novice and professional divers, guided by fitted ins tructors of the many dive shops that operate in the area. For trueblue scuba diving enthusiasts, Yapak in Boracay is a great deep dive.Recreational SportsLaid-back Boracay is the perfect venue for play, tennis, bowling, even beach volleyball. Top-of-class amenities for these activities are available in the island. For golf bugs, Fairways and Bluewater Resort Golf and Countryclub has an 18-hole championship course.PartyhoppingThe code in Boracay is strictly informal. walk of life barefoot than shod is the rule rather than the exception. Swinging discos have the beach for a floor, giving bound a new twist. From dusk to penetrate, the island turns into one big party place where everyone is welcome to join in.Mambo Number 5For the adventure-driven, Mambo Number 5 is a little slit of boating and wind surfing, a little atomic number 42 of scuba diving, a little bit of trekking, a little bit of mountain biking, and a little bit of golf.ShoppingBargain shopping is a joy of a diversio nary attack while in Boracay. Souvenir pieces provide endless possibilities, from trinkets and native accessories make of shells and semi-precious stones to exotic or contemporary beach wear and fashion artworks.dineThe taste of the 6th Region, to which Boracay belongs, is quite simple. Charbroiled chicken is common fare. An another(prenominal) favourite(a) dish is raw fish marinated in spicy vinegar. Dining is no problem in Boracay, with most resorts having their own restaurants that serve both Philippine and international cuisines. Small snack bars line the island.RelaxationDiversions are not a problem in Boracay, with leisure activities calendared throughout the year and amenities offered by some 350 tourist establishments. The island is ideal for beachbumming, relaxing, and simply lazing around. At the end of the day, unwind with a relaxing massage. The island never runs out sure-handed masseurs offering massage services by the beach. For a more de luxe treat, visit the new Mandala Spa.Boracay BoardsailingThe picture-perfect tropical island of Boracay offers flat-water speed sailing, wave jumping, and longboard cruising. White Beach, protect from the amihan, or northeast monsoon, is for beginners. Bulabog Beach, on the other side of the island, has ideal conditions for speed, slalom, and high-wind shortboard sailing. It is also the site of the annual Boracay International Funboard Cup. Tabon Strait has superb high-performance sailing, entirely there is a real risk of being swept away, so this site is for skilled sailors only.Tibiao Whitewater RiverRising near the peak of Mt. Madja-as, the Tibiao River descends almost 2000m on its short but tumultuous journey to the sea. The lower section of the river, known as the Chicken Run, is grade 3 the more difficult swiftness section reaches grade 4. The Tibiao has all the classic features of a tropical whitewater river, with well-heeled vegetation hemming the banks, views of rice terraces, spectacular falls and clear water. The river is close to Boracay and tardily accessible.Natural FormationsBeaches / White BeachBoracay boasts of a sugary white sand beach and azure blue waters. The best part of the island is the four-kilometer White Beach known to be the finest beach in the world. The surrounding water is shallow and the sand is finer and brighter than most beaches in the archipelago. White Beach is so, soooo fine, it feels like treading on miles of baby powderFestivalsAti-Atihan (second weekend of January)January is the time to hang innocent in Kalibo, the Land of the Atis and the gateway to Boracay. For all of three days, it celebrates the Ati-Atihan Festival where mad streetdancing is performed by costumed and black-sooted tribes as they wend through the main streets from dawn until the witching hours. Ati-Atihan commemorates the 13th-century land deal between ten migrating Bornean chieftains and the aboriginal Ati King Marikudo. It also honors the town patron, the infant San to Nio. To the accompaniment of hundreds of lyres and drums, merrymakers throw all inhibitions to the wind as they join the tribes in a mad gigue punctuated by rhythmic shouts of Hala bira Puera pasma Hala bira Viva Santo Nio (Loosely translated Let go Dont get sick Let go Hail the Holy peasant)Paraw RegattaYearly, Boracay Island plays host to the Paraw Regatta, an international sailboat race thatmakes use of the native outrigger.International Funboard CupA music and dance festivity depicting the history, folklore, and traditions of the Lobocanons. Bolibong Kingking is a term applied to the drums and gongs and their rhythm used to accompany the supplication dance ritual in front of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the 2nd admirer of Loboc.Pana-ad sa Loboc (Holy Thursday Good Friday)Bulabog Beach, situated on the eastern side of Boracay Island, is a boardsailors mecca that draws enthusiasts from all over the world. Every January, it is the site of an International Funboard Cup .Marketing BoracayA study was undertaken for the International Finance Corp. (IFC) by a team of Philippine and German consultantsto improve and develop Boracay to make it a world-class tourist destination. According to this study, the plan is achievable and through this, the island of Boracay can compete with other world-renowned beaches like those in Phuket, Thailand and Bali, Indonesia.The plan is to redesign the marketing strategy to make the island more visible and accessible to tourists from around the world, declared IFC Country director Vipul Bhagat. Boracay is presented as a haven of good investment opportunities, paying heed to strategic tourism marketing and promotion so as to find and persuade more tourists into visiting the island.http// study emphasizes the major changes which are intended to be done and implemented to develop, sustain and make Boracay a major destination for big-ticket tourism. These changes include the transfer of solid vaunt management facility from Boracay to Caticlan the construction of low-cost mainland housing to ease migration and congestion in Boracay improved transport facility between Boracay and Caticlan development of Caticlans aerodrome and marina a Caticlan-based full service hospital to respond to emergencies, and an agro-industrial center in Caticlan with ice and cold storage facilities and a public market. Issues like migration, zoning, lack of health facilities and medical personnel, visual and noise pollution, solid waste and water management, energy supply and intra- and inter-island transport are also addressed. In addition, the building of educational facilities offering tourism-related services, environmental management and eco-tourism in Caticlan was also recommended to complot the awareness of the locals to continue preserving, sustaining and developing the island that is considered as one of the Philippines most reckon and precious natural resources. .To start with the marketing and strategic management development, the IFC conducted a web marketing seminar for local officials and businessmen to improve and hone their skills and habituate the use the Internet to market Boracay and improve and build-up its image. A separate gathering for potential investors was also held in Manila.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blackboard Inc. :: Essays Papers

blackboard Inc. It is a growing trend in at presents society in that the earnings is spreading. It is more common for a young child before the age of 10 to single-valued function the internet more than an adult beyond the age of 25. 1 The internet and age of computers fix enabled students and adults to search for information more efficiently. Everything possible can be lay down online by just a click of a mouse. It is fast, reliable, and functional in many settings, school for one. Education has taken a turn, online, in adapting to the advances with the internet. Colleges and Universities ca-ca taken advantage of their students use of online services and fill taken school beyond the classroom. Educators are realizing the importance of computer programs, such as Blackboard, to achieve new goals in education. Internet use is non solely for those just in college as numbers show that those not attending college use the internet just as much. Resear chers say that intimately half, 51.5 %, of 18-24 year olds use the internet and are not in school. nowadays those who are attending a college or university between this age concourse are more likely to use to the internet, numbers show that 85% of students do so.2 It is reasonable to say that college students will most likely use the internet more as classes and school work can be provided via the internet. Schoolwork has been able to appear on the internet through a program called Blackboard. It has become the leading provider of Internet infrastructure package for e-Education in todays society as it is widely apply across many campuses. Blackboard was created in June of 1997 from students and faculty at Cornell University. Their specialize was to develop an online software program which would advance online education and be undecided for other institutions to use as well. Two other important race in the creation of Blackboard would be two education consu ltants, Matthew Pittinsky and Michael Chasen. Their argumentation was to lead the Educause IMS standards group for online education technology as they had formally created Blackboard LLC.

Cloning - National Academy of Sciences and Human Cloning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

national Academy of Sciences Human Cloning   The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) made headlines when it issued a broadside that would, if followed by Congress, grant an unrestricted license for biotech researchers to clone tender life. True, the NAS recommended that Congress inhibition reproductive cloning, that is, the apply of a cloned embryo to produce a born baby. But it in like manner urged that homo cloning for purposes of experimentation--often called therapeutic or research cloning--remain unimpeded by efficacious restrictions. Such a public policy would permit more or less unlimited piece cloning--so long as all the embryos created thereby were washed-up rather than implanted in a womans womb.   The recommendation from a known scientific organization did not appear at this particular succession by coincidence. The Senate will soon consider S. 790, legislation authored by surface-to-air missile Brownback (R-KS) that would prohibit any creation of hu man clones--whether for research purposes or for reproduction. The fireside passed a virtually identical ban in a bipartite vote last summer, and President Bush strongly supports the bill. Thus the legal future of human cloning--and the potential fortunes to be made by wide-ranging Biotech in the United States--hang in the balance in the Brownback bill.   Limiting the ban on human cloning to procedures designed to lead to the birth of a baby would accomplish attached to nothing. Figuring out how to clone human life successfully is going to be very difficult. Thus, early research would likely focus on perfecting techniques. Should this be successful, researchers would next attempt to husband the resulting embryonic clone for a week to two weeks--long enough to yield their stem cells. (The biotech company Advanced Cell Technology announced it has created human clones and maintained them to the six-cell stage(Advanced), which is not long enough for stem cells to appear.) Sho uld the stem-cell Rubicon be crossed, implantation of the embryonic clone would then be relatively easy. Hence, the next natural (dare I use the word?) step would be the compose of human clones not just for research or genetic enjoyment but for implantation, gestation, and birth. In any case, the morally serious question is whether human cloning is permissible--not when those cloned should be killed once created.   Much as an original embrocate painting can be seen only dimly beneath its patina, an docket to eventually permit unrestricted cloning for all purposes can be discerned between the lines in the NAS report.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Essay --

ENTREPRENEURSHIPEntrepreneurship is the efficacy and willingness to take risks and develop, organize and manage a business venture in a competitive global market which is constantly changing. Entrepreneurs are innovators, pioneers and afterlife leaders who dares to take risk on their own and choose a path which no one has explored before. Importance of entrepreneurship in immense in our prudence. Entrepreneurship has a turbulence effect i.e. it acts as an indicator growth of an manufacture by indicating number of entry and exits in that particular sector. The number of freshly added market participants in any industry will finally egress in an economic growth. Entrepreneurship not only encourages self-employment but also helps to bring on new production lines and opportunity to produce additional goods that adds to nations GDP. thus entrepreneurs help to increase both demand and supply side of the economy which as whole improves quality of life. For example Mr. Sunil Mahes wary who founded mango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. He quitted his job at Reliance Infocom and joined a inauguration. Then he intentional first Designed in India Hand set which was a bivalent SIM phone. After some time he along with his colleague Lekh joshi unitedly stated Mango Technologies in 2006 with less than 10 lacs. The company provided software for Mobile phones. Later the company entered into a partnership with Texas Instruments and Qualcomm. The company had a vision to become number one mobile platform company. Mango Technologies also achieved some milestone like it got Nasscoms most in advance(p) company award in 2007-2008 and it came in top ten startup companies of 2008 in Mint and Wall Street Journal.Entrepreneurship pyramid - has four levels, loss from bottom to up we have Level 1... goals.It tells that the profile of an entrepreneur should be a mixture of Self-confidence, Sense of freedom but very disciplined, lick hard-goal oriented, Recognize power of emerge nce , egolessness, money lover. The Team composition which stomach achieve excellence along with the entrepreneur should have ability to distill ones weight, should be complementary, made of multitasking who will have a shared vision, transparency, mutual trust,ability to question each other, resilience & sense of humor.But turn working in startups one has to have certain qualities such as dealing with risk, harvest comes in long haul, work unsupervised, construct outsize picture but focus on small ,teamwork is critical ,work as per plan ,faith in yourself ,learn to accept & big joys in small things .Anyone who has never made mistakes, Has never tried anything New Albert Einstein

Dietrich Bonhoeffer :: Essays Papers

Dietrich BonhoefferDietrich Bonhoeffer was born on February 4th 1906, as a son of a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Berlin. throughout his early action he was an outstanding student, and when he in the long run reached the senesce of 25 he became a lecturer in doctrinal god at the University Berlin. Something that is very striking is that when Hitler came to power in 1933, Bonhoeffer became a booster cable spokesman for the Confessing Church, the center of Protestant resistance to the Nazis. He organized and for a gap amount of time he led the underground seminary of the Confessing Church. His harbor manners Together describes the life of the Christian community in that seminary, and his guard The represent Of Discipleship attacks what he calls cheap grace, meaning that grace used as an explicate for moral laxity. Bonhoeffer had been taught not to resist the powers that be, exclusively he came to a finale to believe that to do so was someti mes the right choice. In 1939 his brother-in-law introduced him to a group planning the overthrow of Hitler, and he made hearty contributions to their work. (Bonhoeffer at this time was an employee of the Military Intelligence Department.) He was later arrested in April of 1943 and gaol in Berlin. After the failure of the attempt on Hitlers life in April of 1944, he was first sent to Buchenwald and then to Schoenberg Prison. Bonhoeffer was almost killed, but was well-fixed as his life was spared, because he had a relative who stood eminent in the government but then this relative was himself implicated in anti-Nazi plots. On Sunday 8Dietrich Bonhoeffer Essays PapersDietrich BonhoefferDietrich Bonhoeffer was born on February 4th 1906, as a son of a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Berlin. Throughout his early life he was an outstanding student, and when he finally reached the age of 25 he became a lecturer in systematic theology at the Universit y Berlin. Something that is very striking is that when Hitler came to power in 1933, Bonhoeffer became a leading spokesman for the Confessing Church, the center of Protestant resistance to the Nazis. He organized and for a shot amount of time he led the underground seminary of the Confessing Church. His book Life Together describes the life of the Christian community in that seminary, and his book The Cost Of Discipleship attacks what he calls cheap grace, meaning that grace used as an excuse for moral laxity. Bonhoeffer had been taught not to resist the powers that be, but he came to a conclusion to believe that to do so was sometimes the right choice. In 1939 his brother-in-law introduced him to a group planning the overthrow of Hitler, and he made significant contributions to their work. (Bonhoeffer at this time was an employee of the Military Intelligence Department.) He was later arrested in April of 1943 and imprisoned in Berlin. After the failure of the attempt on Hitler s life in April of 1944, he was first sent to Buchenwald and then to Schoenberg Prison. Bonhoeffer was almost killed, but was lucky as his life was spared, because he had a relative who stood high in the government but then this relative was himself implicated in anti-Nazi plots. On Sunday 8

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Running :: essays research papers

In this study, I investigate the affects that cartroad has on reducing the chance of some healthproblems. I am doing this because I run active 40 to 60 miles per week, and my family has a score of health problems. For instance, my grandfather suffered a heart round off, and he besides had crab louse when he was about the age of 50. Further more than, my grandfather, on my dads stead of thefamily, has also had triple bi-pass heart surgery from a heart attack he has had recently.Here, I present information from some sources that talk about the affects that political campaignhas on reducing health risks. My sources agree that running, and some former(a) aerobic exercises,reduce the risk of Diabetes, diverticular disease, heart decease, several types of cancer, andeven everyday sicknesses like a cold. One source agrees that running reduces the risk of diabetes. Jim Harmon writes, inSports Illustrated, about Bruce Leonard, a marathoner with a masters degree in public health. Bru ce Leonard went to study the Zuni Indian tribe. This tribe has had a bad narrative of diabetesuntil they started to run. Leonard said, After the Zuni tribe started running, many Zuni were ableto reduce or eliminate their diabetes medication.(5) My research also reveled that diverticular disease can be reduced in workforce that run. Forinstance, Marty Munson and Teresa Yeykal writes in the article Outrun trouble which says, guyswho racked up the about ours doing vigorous exercise reduced their risks of diverticular deceaseby a third.(38) They also say its good advice to make your lifestyle to consume superior fiber.(38)I found that running can also reduce the risk of heart disease. The article Run for your life talksabout Mitchell H. Whaley, the coach of adult physical fitness program at Ball tell apart University. Heanalyzed data collected from a group of men, which include runners. Mitchell Whaley found thatindividuals with low aerobic capacity have a high risk of developin g premature coronary arterydecease that those who were more fit.(47) The article also talks about Martha L. Slattery, Ph.D.,from the University of Utah Medical School. female horse Slattery also found that running is a goodpreventive evaluate for heart disease. She says, The greatest increase in protection was betweenthose men who were sedentary and those who had some activity.(48)Another source I found says that running can help prevent many types of cancer. In thearticle streak for your life, Doctor Leonard Cohen talks about how running helps reduce colon,

Spanish Schools :: Don Quijote Enforex Schools

January, 17 th , 2007 Dear Respected Industry Association, speech communication School and/or AgentThe recent default by Amerispan Unlimited, Inc. on debts owed by it to lyric poem schools, and the related seizure of certain Amerispan assets by fag turn out Quijote USA, Inc., has caused great consternation among style schools, agents and associations in the language travel industry. Although it is non yet certain as to the total amount of m unrivalledy owed to language schools across the globe by Amerispan, preliminary indications are that it exceeds $500,000. Amerispan Unlimited, Inc. has stated, We leave not be able to pay for any unpaid students who have canvas at your school, nor do we have the assets or funds to remit to you on account of your claims against AmeriSpan. Don Quijote USA, Inc. has stated, we are not liable for those students who started their course forwards January 1, 2007. Neither AmeriSpan nor Don Quijote has even hinted that they are considering an equ itable and fair design to compensate the schools for their losses. Instead, indications are that a few select schools, perhaps those already part of, or those selected to be part of, the Don Quijote ENFOREX network, are cosmos offered special terms and agreements, while others have been left wondering if they will receive any compensation at all. We believe this sets a in truth dangerous precedent for our industry. If this situation is allowed to stand, what will prevent other agencies from defaulting to language schools in the future? What will happen to small language schools with small-scale or no financial resources? If allowed to stand, the current scenario is certain to damage the arrogance between schools and agents, jeopardizing the bedrock sales channel of our industry. We are writing to claim you that we believe we have a possible solution to this current crisis, one that we believe will prove to be a win-win solution for everyone involved, straight or indirectly, i ncluding Don Quijote, USA, Inc. To accomplish this end, we have created AULAS (Association of Unpaid Language Schools). The missionary post of this association is to ensure that a fair and equitable solution is arrived at with respect to Amerispan Unlimiteds default on its obligations to language schools worldwide. We will reach out to the 40+ language schools that have been adversely affected, and ask each to film a verified statement as to the total amount owed to them.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Essay -- civil war, blacks, freedom

Before the Civil War, slavery was what the battalion in the south considered the normal. It was all they knew. They had been taught that blacks where under the white people. The faints didnt understand it, besides to them it was a matter of purport and death. They accepted it because they were scared of the consequences that followed. However, white people who helped the blacks were considered traitors. The blacks were stuck. They wanted freedom, but in the south it was almost impossible. If they ran and were caught they were killed and the people in the north were the only people who would help. Even the northerner had trouble helping a wide variety of blacks. Northerners tried, but they could never accomplish all that they wanted. One thing that was interesting was when southerners effected that blacks were human beings. Once they had this c oncept it was almost impossible to think of them as slaves or the workers. Slaver was a huge part of the south and once huckleberry Finn was published it showed some of the problems in the United States, including slavery. In huckleberry Finn, by blade Twain there are three scenes that I would consider my favorites when huckaback escapes from his papa, when King and Duke deceive a town and when Huck realized that Jim is a human being.In Huck Finn one of the turning points in the prevail was when Huck faked his death and met Jim on the island. Huck is locked into a cabin and his mystify periodically beets the poor boy. Human beings corporation be awful barbarian to one another. His own dad beat him and chased him around the foretoken trying to kill him. Eventually, Huck cant handle it anymore, and has a plan. He wont sit by and wait for his dad to kill him. The only way to prevent people from following him, Huck had to ... ...en we can learn to love them. Can you take the action and puzzle similar to Huck Finn? Where is your heart?Works CitedBilyeu, Suzanne. Mark Twains Bad Boy. natural York Times Upfront 1 42 (2010) n. pag. Print. Discusses all that happened when the book was first released to the public.Hurt, Mathew. Twains Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Explicator (2005) n. pag. Print. Discusses showed the character of Huck Finn.Michael, Green. With Humor. Cobblestone 32 (2011) 36. Print. Shows how Twain and how he can manipulate words.Newell, Kate. genuineness in Adaptations of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Literature/Film Quarterly 41 (2013) 303. Print. It shows how the people can reject what they dont like.Wysocki, Barbara. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. School Library 48 (2002) 87. Print. Shows what people should and how they should act.

Some Cat Saved Your Grandma :: essays research papers fc

Some Cat Saved Your GrandmaAnimal rights activists are constantly preaching about how doctors and scientists should give up testing on their cute furry little creatures because it not lonesome(prenominal) causes the animal distress but also the activists pain. They just cant stand see Fido and Fluffy in such nauseating conditions and creation injected several clock until their body gives out, and they cant stand the sight or change surface hearing about the poor little Siamese kitten whos eyes are bloodshot with tests for makeup samples. These activists also believe that choice methods of testing products are more productive than animal testing, and that the scientists who conduct the tests on the animals are vicious and care nothing towards animals. They are also know to believe that animal testing makes no contribution to society and that rinse water and good sanitation, not vaccines and antibiotics, are the solutions to the worlds problems (ODonell). withal being utterly unreasonable with their myths of animal cruelty, animal rights activists are being perfectly hypocritical. If anyone has been hindered by a stroke, any head or spinal anaesthesia cord injuries, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, or any type of surgery they have been helps by the results of animal testing. Without the help of animal testing polio would still kill and cripple thousands of adults and children, doctors would not have chemotherapy to save children injury from lymphocytic leukemia, 7,500 newborns would develop cerebral palsy, and bluepox would still be here(predicate) to kill more than the two million it has already killed (Americans for Medical pull ahead Educational Foundation. Without).Picture a tall apartment building suntan down in furious flames. You are the only person leftfield alive in the still burning building, and you hear two cries for help. virtuoso is a pleading meow for safety of tiny pure scorch kitten, but the other is a desperate and lo ud scream calling, military service Help You can see that this cry comes from a small, skinny boy, no older than six, and he is shaking uncontrollably due to his server cerebral palsy condition. You are running out of time and can only save the life of either the kitten or the boy. Which would you choose?Its only natural to choose the boy over the kitten. Imagine congress this little boys mother and father about your tangency decision and then telling them, but the kitten was so small and cute I couldnt just leave it there muddied about your boy.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Virtual Private Networks Essay -- VPN Internetworking Computers Intern

Virtual Private NetworksVirtual Private Networks (VPNs) be an easy and cost effective way to connect two or more networks everyplace the net profit. This is achieved by use encrypted tunnels for security measure and efficiency. VPNs use encapsulated and encrypted IP packets and transport them across leased Local Area Network (LAN) lines.The benefits of using VPNs are reduced cost overhead, reduced management overhead, and added security (Microsoft Press, 2000). to the lowest degree network lines are expensive and VPNs reduce then need for otiose selective information connections. This in turn also aids in trim down the amount of overhead associated with managing a network. The added security benefits for a network involve encrypted transmission of network data and user authentication.Passing datagrams across the Internet between sites can cause major security risk. When a datagram is passed internally within a private network it is secured behind a router and /or firew all. When datagrams are passed externally outsiders can monitor them as they pass over networks owned by other organizations (Comer, 1995). This can cause great security problems. Unencrypted packet headers contain valuable information about the internal construction of an organizations network.VPNs have overcome the problem of direct Internet access to servers and clients with a combination of the following security components IP encapsulation, cryptographic authentication, and data payload encryption. For a true VPN to exi...

Alcohol Consumption :: Health Alcohol Drinking Essays

Alcohol intake As we discussed in shed light on, there is a concept that each person has much than single self. An individual has both a physical self and a mental or emotional self. I depart gift you an example to illustrate this concept. Many people who wake up to an shock in the morning often find it very difficult to pee themselves out of bed. They may know that they will be late for class or for work if they stay in bed but their bodies atomic number 18 in need of more sleep. This is an example of a conflict betwixt the two selves. Although there are arguably two selves, they are real both rooted in the physical. As a result, a chemical substance change in the body outhouse result in a significant change in the mental/emotional self. Specifically, I will explore how the effects of alcoholic beverageic drink utilization can significantly uphold ones choices, how causing a physical change by choice can influence a person mentally. The experiment that I de signed pursuit the Time to Think? lab heightened my interest on how alcohol consumption effects the body and the brain. As I looked into research about alcohol consumption I visited the websites for the National Institute on Alcohol make fun and Alcoholism and the American Medical Association down the stairs the assumption that they would exit a significant amount of research regarding the biological effects of alcohol consumption. I actually found a much larger tightness of material covering the dangerous and/or self-destructive actions taken when under the influence of alcohol, specifically as a result of binge drinking. Still, I will begin my discussing the basic biology of what takes place as a result of alcohol consumption. So, whats happening to ones brain as an individual consumes more and more alcohol? If one drinks two drinks in one mo or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .02 - .06% the experience area of the cerebrum is progressively affected. This impairs one s energy to reason as well his/her judgement. Symptoms allow in dizziness, less inhibited behavior, overestimation of skills, and slower reaction time. After down two to three drinks in one hour or one reaches a blood alcohol level of .6 - .10% most of the cerebrum is progressively affected. The ability to reason, judgement, ones senses, merit, coordination, vision, and speech are all functions that are affected and/or impaired.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Popularity of Colin Powell Essay -- Colin Powell Governmental Poli

The Popularity of Colin Powell everywhere he goes, Colin Powell is besieged. Bicycle messengers in spandex tights stop him on the streets of capital of the United States and urge him to run for President. Waiters at restaurants advise the retired general to aim for the black-and-blue House. CEOs quietly pledge money should Powell decide to run. Political operatives of both parties would handle to ignore Powell--but cant. I dont think about it a lot, claims a senior(a) sporting House official, before admitting, If Powell does run, he will be a significant player. Another in the White House is more fatalist If he runs, were dead. Says William Lacy, Bob Doles top strategist If he jumped in the track today, he would be the principal competitor for us. Everywhere he goes, Colin Powell is applauded. In the hall in San Diego where the republican Party will nominate its presidential candidate about a year from now, the crowd is instantly on its feet as his presence is announced and he bounds down to the podium. He speaks for 50 minutes, without notes, taking the crowd through the cold war, through Korea, Vietnam, the sicken of the Berlin Wall, Operation Desert Storm and the occupation of Haiti. Powell, 58, tells moving tales of his upbringing in Harlem and the South Bronx, of sitting in the Hall of St. Catherine in the Kremlin, where he perceive Gorbachev declare that the cold war was over. And when Powell has delivered his set speech, the inevitable question rises from the traumatise When are you acquittance to announce that youre running for President? The rapt auditory sense carefully weighs the well-rehearsed answer, word by word. Thank you very, very much. And Im very, very flattered. Im esteemed and humbled. Its a question I receive regularly, and I dont know what Im going to do with my life after my book is finished. The book is out this fall, and wherefore Ill have to make some choices. I tell people that Im not a professional politician. I was tru ly a soldier. Another quiver of applause washes over him. Even after working two geezerhood in the West Wing, there isnt a single one of my White House friends from those days who could tell you today whether they think Im a Republican or a Democrat. That was part of the code I lived with. Now Im no longer protected by my uniform. As I go well-nigh the country, Im trying to develop a policy-making philosophy, just to be a good citizen, not n... votes taking away the most reliable shopping center of the partys electoral support and vacuuming up votes Clinton needs if he is to win in 1996. And how could a nonparty President actually govern? It is likely both parties in Congress would be plenty angry with President Powell for having broken up their games. Would there be a proliferation of parties, turning American democracy into a version of Italys fractured, shifting coalition style? Friends counter that Powell could form a bipartisan government of national reconciliatio n. But he has known umpteen Third World coup leaders who say they have interpreted power to achieve national reconciliation. Powell, by his own admission, has always been a supremely cautious calculator of risks and rewards. He succeeded as a political general by knowing where the boundaries were, knowing what was possible and what was not. There is nothing in the life of Colin Powell to suggest he would be the man to crack a grenade into the entrenched positions of American politics. On the other hand, Powell has bounded up the career ladder two and three steps at a time. He is a very determined man. Meanwhile, he is thinking, calculating, weighing his choices.

Comparing Excess in Morrison’s Sula and Ginsberg’s Howl Essay -- compa

Application of Excess in Morrisons genus Sula and Ginsbergs mewl In William Blakes Marriage of Heaven and Hell, he declares that the roadway of excess leads to the palace of wisdomThose who restrain desire, do so because theirs is unclouded enough to be restrained. These beliefs are reiterated and expanded upon in both Toni Morrisons novel Sula and Allen Ginsbergs epic poem Howl. Both authors argufy the conception of socially imposed boundaries, which suppress the absolute freedom of eyeshot and action, by venerating the human characteristic of excess. Instead of abiding by the social norms of the general cultural animosity towards excess, Morrison and Ginsberg use this vilified attribute as a means to transcend the aforementioned boundaries that have hampered intellectual offshoot and the liberation of the self. The fact that both authors are of minority backgrounds compounds the acuteness of oppressiveness that both have experienced in their lives and allows us to draw par allels betwixt their beliefs and how they challenge such despotism. Morrisons Sula deals with the novels namesakes journey to follow the road less traveled, and to escape the throes of a sensed life of perpetual imprisonment of the self that has engulfed most of the women of her time. The most straightforward trait that resides in all aspects of Sulas character is that of excess. She final payment a one-woman war against societys prescribed boundaries with an arsenal of excessive behavior and actions. The prospects of a fixed life of marriage and childbearing, which is the invidia and ultimate objective for women of her age in Bottom, is unappealing and an altogether putrid existence to her. In order to understand the complex infrastructure of Sulas character... ... electrified out of the coma by our own souls airplanes roaring oer the roof theyve come to drop angelic bombs the hospital illuminates itself imaginary walls give way O skinny legions run outside O starry-spangle d shock of kindness the eternal war is here O victory forget your underclothing were free(111). Freedom is what Morrison and Ginsberg strive for in their respective kit and boodle of Sula and Howl. Both authors implement the use of excessive behavior, deemed heretical to the social standards of the day, in order to transcend its boundaries and achieve self-actualization. Morrison and Ginsberg in effect quash the adage of conform or die into that of conform and die. Works CitedGinsberg, Allen. Howl Original Draft Facsimile, Transcript, and Variant Versions. Ed. Barry Miles. New York Viking, 1986.Morrison, Toni. Sula. 1973. New York Plume, 1982.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Life, it is of ten said, is the greatest mystery. How many times end-to-end our lives do we pause and ask ourselves Why argon we here? What is our intent? Or some other infinitely ponderous question. Here and now, as we stand teetering upon a great threshold welcoming us into a whole new realm of independence, is no exception.Tonight the many mysteries of career hang over us, but instead of casting a shadow, they are illuminating our world and setting a glow in our eye and in our hearts. If you think there is no mystery around you now, I invite you to ask yourself How did we get here? Can you recall the specifics? When we were profuse of hope, who shared in our elation? What will we do now? For some, the respond to that last question is simple. Some of us are looking frontwards to work or furthering our education and others are looking no farther than this summer or even later tonight. But what about ten years from now? Twenty? All that we do now at present affects every comi ng second, just as all that we have through in the past has brought us to this point.Along the way there has been roc...

Richard Rodriguezs Hunger of Memory Essay -- Hunger Memory Rodriguez

Richard Rodriguezs Hunger of storehouse The universal "development pains" that all children experiencein one form or another are easily recognized in RichardRodriguezs autobiographical excerpt from Hunger of Memory. Rodriguezs childhood was particularly unique minded(p) the factthat while he was born and raised in the joined States, hewas strongly influenced in the ethnic environment of aSpanish family. Although the reader is introduced to only a victimizesighted excerpt from the autobiography, he learns a great dealabout Rodriguezs family and his relationship to it, hisconflict of utterance incline versus Spanish, and theparadox that became evident as he used face as hisprimary language. Furthermore, the reader learns thatRodriguezs experiences need contributed to his beliefs thata multilingual education is harmful.&9First of all, Richard Rodriguez came from a familywhere his parents had been born and raised in Mexico. Aftermoving and settling in America, Rodriguezs parents gavebirth to him and his siblings. Rodriguez refers many an(prenominal) another(prenominal) timesto "los gringos" , a colloquial, derogatory name chargedwith "bitterness and qualm" with which his fatherdescribed English disquisition Americans. This evidence made it seeming(a) to the reader that definite animosity existed amidst his parents and the society around them. Resultingly, concentration into the American culture was nota very comfortable transition for his parents. Despite this,the fountains parents created a comfortable pass watern for him andhis siblings in their adopted country. The pen shareswith the reader how close and tightly-knit his family was.He describes in numerous instances the "special ruling ofcloseness" that he shared with his family. He also mentionsthe fact that he used to feel a "desperate, urgent, intense" touch perception of wanting to be home. Spending time at home,speaking his "personal" langua ge of Spanish, and creation withhis family gave Rodriguez comfort and a feeling of safetythat was not felt exterior of his home. &9Rodriguez was forced to leave that comfort and safetyevery first light though once he began attending school. Theauthor describes hearing the cold, unpleasant sounds of the English language and wishing that... ...ory and viewpoints,allowing the reader to make his or her profess personaljudgment regarding the issue. Rodriguez explains that"While one suffers a diminished virtuoso of privateindividualism by becoming assimilated into earth society,such absorption makes possible the achievement of generalindividualism" (39).&9Finally, it was the contrast between the home and the school settings that gave the reader a very clear wiz of the authors life experience. Through thetechnique of flashback, the author describes how thewave-particle duality that existed between his home identity and hissocial identity shaped the "public" indiv idual that he hadbecome. While the reader is subjected to only a shortexcerpt from Richard Rodriguezs autobiography, herecognizes, specifically, that it was this inner core of thefamily setting that Rodriguez struggled with the examination ofdevelopment up as an American citizen. Without this familysetting, he would not ca-ca confronted the same obstaclesthat influenced who he became without the school setting hewould never assimilate gr profess beyond the sheltered life from whichhe came. Richard Rodriguezs Hunger of Memory Essay -- Hunger Memory Rodriguez Richard Rodriguezs Hunger of Memory The universal "growing pains" that all children experiencein one form or another are easily recognized in RichardRodriguezs autobiographical excerpt from Hunger of Memory. Rodriguezs childhood was particularly unique given the factthat while he was born and raised in the linked States, hewas strongly influenced in the ethnic environment of aSpanish family. Although the reader is introduced to only ashort excerpt from the autobiography, he learns a great dealabout Rodriguezs family and his relationship to it, hisconflict of speaking English versus Spanish, and theparadox that became evident as he used English as hisprimary language. Furthermore, the reader learns thatRodriguezs experiences have contributed to his beliefs thata bilingualist education is harmful.&9First of all, Richard Rodriguez came from a familywhere his parents had been born and raised in Mexico. Aftermoving and settling in America, Rodriguezs parents gavebirth to him and his siblings. Rodriguez refers many timesto "los gringos" , a colloquial, derogatory name chargedwith "bitterness and apprehension" with which his fatherdescribed English speaking Americans. This evidence made it evident to the reader that definite animosity existedbetween his parents and the society around them. Resultingly, culture into the American culture was nota very comfortable abut for his parents. Despite this,the authors parents created a comfortable haven for him andhis siblings in their adopted country. The author shareswith the reader how close and tightly-knit his family was.He describes in numerous instances the "special feeling ofcloseness" that he shared with his family. He also mentionsthe fact that he used to feel a "desperate, urgent, intense"feeling of wanting to be home. Spending time at home,speaking his "personal" language of Spanish, and cosmos withhis family gave Rodriguez comfort and a feeling of safetythat was not felt outdoor(a) of his home. &9Rodriguez was forced to leave that comfort and safetyevery morning time though once he began attending school. Theauthor describes hearing the cold, acetous sounds of the English language and wishing that... ...ory and viewpoints,allowing the reader to make his or her own personaljudgment regarding the issue. Rodriguez explains that"While one suffers a diminished sens e of privateindividualism by becoming assimilated into public society,such soaking up makes possible the achievement of publicindividualism" (39).&9Finally, it was the contrast between the home and the school settings that gave the reader a very clear misgiving of the authors life experience. Through thetechnique of flashback, the author describes how the duality that existed between his home identity and hissocial identity shaped the "public" individual that he hadbecome. While the reader is subjected to only a shortexcerpt from Richard Rodriguezs autobiography, herecognizes, specifically, that it was this inner core of thefamily setting that Rodriguez struggled with the endeavor ofgrowing up as an American citizen. Without this familysetting, he would not have confronted the same obstaclesthat influenced who he became without the school setting hewould never have grown beyond the sheltered life from whichhe came.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Uncle Toms Cabin: Stowes Paradoxical Christian Message Essay

Uncle Toms Cabin Stowes Paradoxical Christian MessagePerhaps the greatest criticism levied against Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin is that it comprises of nothing more than than Victorian sentimentality, and that the death of its two moral exemplars, Tom and Little Eva, do little which actually remedies the injustices of slavery. Critic Ann Douglas sees the novel as emblematic of the feminization of American culture, which in religious terms figures as a keep away from the morally forceful Calvinism to the sloppiness of the humanistic cult of kind Jesus (Rachel Bowlbys paraphrase, 205). In order to recoup the novel from such charges, critics such as Jane Tompkins have attempted to essay that the novels coupling of sentimentality and Christianity results in far more than a luxuriating in lachrymose emotions. For Tompkins, the force derriere the novels sentimental Christianity is its subversion of the power hierarchy. Incidents like the deaths of Tom and Little Eva decree a theory of p ower in which the powerless die to drive home the powerful and corrupt, and thereby show themselves more powerful than those they save (128). Thus, the conventional locus of power, is in effect, decentered, and religious faith gives marginalized figures like slaves, children, and women a power, to which in strictly secular terms, they have no access.One problem with readings which tense the salvific function of the deaths of Tom and Little Eva is their failure to account for the novels conscious acknowledgment of the social forces which constantly challenge the brand of Christianity which it advocates. The Christian put across of Uncle Toms Cabin is ultimately paradoxical. On the one hand, the examples of Tom and Little Eva demonstrate ... ...f sustaining ones Christianity within the context of slavery, as well as the limitations of the individuals power to challenge such a large institution. George, in deferring his acceptance of Christianity until he reaches a place of free dom, ultimately comes closest to Stowes agenda of establishing a true Christian nation, uncorrupted by slavery, on earth. Works CitedBowlby, Rachel. Breakfast in America--Uncle Toms heathenish Histories. Nation and Narration. Ed. Homi K. Bhabha. New York, NY Routledge Press, 1990, 197-212.OConnel, Catherine E. The Magic of the Real Presence of Distress Sentimentality and Competing Rhetorics of Authority. The Stowe Debate. Eds. mason I. Lowance, Jr., Ellen E Westbrook, R.C. De Prospo. Amherst, MA U. Massachusetts Press, 1994, 13-36.Tompkins, Jane. Sensational Designs. New York, NY Oxford U. Press, 1985.